Shooting with Bella Rosa Boudoir is an experience that you almost canʼt put into words. Itʼs something you feel a change within yourself, that youʼd need to genuinely see to believe. However, when I tell you itʼs life-changing, I mean that with my whole entire soul.
Iʼve been small my whole life. Like petite small. Always hearing people tell me, “Oh youʼre so cute and tiny” or “go eat a cheeseburger youʼre so thin” is only cute the first couple of times. Sometimes not even then.
People forget how that can make people feel. I donʼt choose to be thin or tiny. Itʼs just how I am. And what Bella Rosa has taught me is... thatʼs ok!! Itʼs MORE than ok! Itʼs BEAUTIFUL! Itʼs MY body and itʼs a beautiful home for my soul.
My imperfections, of any kind, do not define me as a woman. The amount of confidence that will pour out of you after your shoot can be overwhelming in the BEST way possible. Itʼs a feeling that has resonated with me since my first shoot. Happiness, peace, and even some clarity that I am in fact... BEAUTIFUL. Every single part.
Iʼve shot with Bella Rosa three times now, and each time it gets better and better. Even when I thought that wasn’t even possible! This experience will change you in ways you didn’t think existed. I know the journey is hard, and trust me when I say I know itʼs long, but itʼs so amazing when you get to the end.
I cannot thank Bella Rosa and their entire team enough for the amount of love and acceptance this experience has given me. Now I can tell people “Thank you, I will go eat a cheeseburger! And Iʼll look hot as hell doing it!”
Thank you, Bella Rosa. You guys are seriously amazing! I really do love my smile and my petite figure along with my eyes. They have kind of a princess look to them and I love the hazel type color they have. I have always gotten made fun of the fact that I am so small and petite.
I figured for my shoot, because of all of the body-shaming I have gotten throughout my life, I would try and drive through somewhere and get an actual cheeseburger to use in my shoot.
MY thought process was kind of like the Carls Jr. commercials where they use the sexy model to eat the cheeseburger. So I can show people SEE I DO eat cheeseburgers and I DO have trouble gaining weight. It’s just who I am.
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